
In 2012, my partner and I set out to make a baby.  After 5 months TTC and 30+ ultrasounds, Bingo was born in November, 2013.  Powerball joined the team in October, 2016 making our family complete and decimating my capacity to blog.


12 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for listing (and following!) our little TTC blog. I love the line above: ‘I have no idea where this going to go.’ Seems like the ‘About’ page is the perfect place to put it… 😉

  2. Hi new blog friend! I’m so glad you found my blog so I could find yours. Your writing is hilarious and when you are talking about (hushed) vaginas and sperm that is very important.

    I was the program manager for the LGBTQ Youth drop-in center here in Denver for 3 and 1/2 years until I moved to a new position. And that’s just one more reason to think yer great!

    Luck and Love all around!


  3. Hi there. Just want to say that I’m really enjoying your blog. My wife and I have tried once and I’m currently finishing my TWW (AF due tomorrow). We wish you all the luck in the world.

  4. Hello! I just found your blog by a couple clicks and bam here I am. You seem funny so I am going to follow you. 🙂 I love the diet coke and herbal tea. Ha.

  5. Hello! In case you’ve noticed that your blog has had a million views this weekend and wondered who the lurker is, I thought I’d let you know that it’s me 🙂 Just found it recently, and have really enjoyed reading through the archives!

  6. Hi! I’ve just stumbled on your blog and absolutely loved reading about your journey to becoming parents!! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m a Casting Producer with Magilla Entertainment and we’re working on a docu-series about pregnancy and new parenthood for TLC. We hope to include parents from all walks of lives, diversity is very important, including LGBTQ parents, untraditional families, and individuals living outside of the gender binary. Given your due date and openness through this blog, I thought you might possibly be interested! If so, I would love to share more about the project and answer any questions you might have! Please send me an email and we can talk further! Thank you so much, and please continue your great work here! Best, Rebecca

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